新加坡摄影师买 Stock Photo,放自己 IG 呃追随者被揭发

消息来源 作者: 发布时间:2024-04-26

报价宝综合消息新加坡摄影师买 Stock Photo,放自己 IG 呃追随者被揭发


外国不少摄影师会将自己作品放到 Facebook、Instagram 等社交媒体,以提高知名度增加生意,不过新加坡有网红怀疑为吸引更多追随者,在网上的 Stock Photo 下载照片到自己的 IG 上,最终被一间新闻网站揭发事件。

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来自新加坡的 Daryl Aiden Yow 是当地一位知名网红,其 IG 拥有逾 10.4 万名粉丝,不少大型国际品牌例如 Sony 、 UNIQLO 等亦有与他合作。

然而,新闻网站 Mothership 发现 Yow 所发布的图片有些奇怪事情,经过仔细研究后,怀疑一些照片实际来自 Shutterstock 等网上图库,而 Yow 没有在照片上加任何字眼,使人以为这些照片都是他拍摄的作品。

Mothership 在 Yow 的 IG 中,找出 10 多幅照片作比较,虽然一些照片的颜色及对比度稍有改变,亦有部分“拍摄”到 Yow 在照片中,但仍可以证明它们是由网上图库购买,而 Yow 亦承认这个事实。

被揭发事件后, Yow 将所有的照片由账户中删除,并上载一幅黑色图片及一个长长的道歉文字。他表示,承担行为产生的一切后果及全部责任,又称错误地以图库的影像及其他人的作品成为自己所用,而且错误使用字句误导追随者,作出深切歉意。

作为一名“摄影师”而做如此行为, Yow 对那些相信自己的人感到失望作出道歉;他又暗示,曾经有朋友对他作出劝告,但自己却没有理会。


Hi everyone, I didn’t intend to release any statement regarding recent events, largely because I did not know how I could accurately express how sorry I am. But seeing how people are now making baseless and false allegations against those close to me—simply by mere association-- I have decided to confront the facts instead of leaving them subject to speculation. I did not want to let any more people down. The outrage regarding how I have conducted myself is justified and I accept full responsibility for my actions and all consequences that arise from those actions. I was wrong to have claimed that stock images and other people’s work were my own. I was also wrong to have used false captions that misled my followers and those who viewed my images. Having marketed myself as a photographer, I fell far short of what was expected of me and disappointed those who believed—or wanted to believe— in me. For all of that, I apologise. Those close to me disagree with my actions and have asked, whenever they felt that something was not right about my images, that I stop my actions immediately. I did not take their advice seriously and would give reasons that I thought would assuage any concerns they had over those images—just enough so that we would move on to other issues. I let them down with my actions. I would also like to take the opportunity to clear the air. The end-products of my collaborations with my friends remained honest and fair. Whatever my shortcomings were, I did not bring them to my collaborations. That would not have been fair to those who collaborated with me, and they would not have allowed such practices to be carried out in any event. These people are hard-working professionals and I was hurt to see people make baseless allegations or insinuations against them or question their integrity. They should not be hounded for my errors. To that end, I hope that these baseless allegations or insinuations would stop. I know I have erred and hope that I will be given the time and space to grow and better myself. For those who have stood by me, I would like to thank you and hope that I will be able to earn such kindness in the future.

Daryl Aiden Yow(@darylaiden)分享的贴文 于 PDT 2018 年 6月 月 21 日 上午 12:24 张贴

Sony 在新加坡网站上刊登 Yow 的作品,作为无反相机的宣传,并打上 #SonyCreativeAlly 。今次并非首次有摄影师使用虚假的图像,而今次事件后, Yow 的追随者下跌约 3,000 人,暂时不清楚他是否计划再次发布新“作品”。


2019-01-21 08:33:00
